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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Honest Scrap...

I have been awarded the Honest Scrap Award. Thanks to Alexis @ Where He Leads I Will Follow. Make sure to check out Alexis Blog.. She has an inspring, and great blog.

Here are the rules..
1.) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2.) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
3.) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4.) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

I agree with Alexis.. I get the "Honest" part, but not the "Scrap" part....
Now time for the Honest Truth.
1.) Even though I've had an amazing time with family and friends, I'm happy to be back in Savannah with my puppy. Somewhat HAPPY about getting back to my school routine.

2.) I'm a book worm, but the last 2 months I haven't been able to read much and this saddens me. Maybe I will read some tomorrow.

3.) I'm a total College Football Fan.. I'm sure that is a shock to most, but it's true. I'm a BIG Auburn Fan... War Eagle.

4.) One day I hope to adopt. I love hearing the inspiring blogs about adoption.

5.) I'm going to miss my nephews and brother and sister-n-law. We all just found out that my sister-n-law is getting a job transfer to Chesapeake Bay, Maryland in October. I have mixed emotions about this, but I know that it was bound to happen sooner or later.

6.) I love SUMMER... Summer reminds me of so many memories, and different things. Ice Cream, Watermelon, Picnics, Going to the park, friends, plants, late nights, swimming, family, laying out, reading, and relaxing. Summer also brings many memories of going to the beach with family and friends. How I wish I was a kid again sometimes?!

7.) I LOVE Mexican Food. If I could have it everyday of the week, I think I could handle it. Yummy.. Gosh I want some San Miguel's right now.. Too bad it's too far away. Guess I will settle for Carlitos soon.

8.) Even though I love SUMMER, I'm so ready for FALL. I'm ready for the cool weather that probably won't come until January or so, but what do you do. I guess I'll drink my Apple Cider while its still warm outside.

9.) I enjoy cooking most of the time. Before moving off to college, I was a pretty picky eater, but since moving out on my own I'm more willing to try new things. I enjoy trying to new recipes, and experimenting in the kitchen.

10.) I like to be in bed by 11:00 o'clock every night, and like it to be cold in my apartment. It helps me sleep better when it's cold, and it is officially past my bedtime.

Now to pass the award on...

So Let's get HONEST...
Night to All!

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Alexis said...

Wow! I just got a chance to tell you that I awarded you, and found this! You're obviously more on top of things than I am!

That was great! Thanks for playing! And your blog looks fabulous!

Keely said...

Congrats Jes!!! Did I see an award there for moi??!!! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!


Christa said...

I love to be cold at night too!! And I heart Mexican food...I am going to lunch in 30 minutes to Los Cucos!! :) Yum!

Christie said...

Thanks so much for the award! I'm so sorry to hear that your sisterinlaw, stepbrother and nephews will be moving. I'm sure that will be a lil hard and an adjustment. I know it was for me a couple of years ago when my sister moved to Denver after living in the same town.

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Credits: Ellie,