It's a Splash Award.
This is only my 2nd award since I've been on blogger. I first of all want to thank Keely over at "MannLand5." She has an awesome blog and has even started a new vblog (video blog) on friday. I personally think this was an awesome idea.
The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.
So I feel quite honored to receive this award.
When you receive this award you must:
Put the logo on your blog/post. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you. Let them know that they have been SPLASHED by commenting on their blog. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.
So here it goes....
2. "All Things Three"
So.. I slacked a little bit, and didn't do exactly 9 blogs. I give you permission to also.. These are just a few of my favorite blogs. Last but not least, I want to thank Keely again for this blog award. Go check out her blog and be looking for her vblog soon. Thanks to all my followers who send such encouraging and awesome comments. They are appreciated and I love hearing from ya'll.

Thanks girl for the SPLASH award! :)
Thank you...you are so sweet!
Thanks so much for the award. I will try and do a post about this. We officially sold our house and will be so busy getting everything ready to move ahhhh!!! Um I LOVE your new haircut, it looks so cute on you! I was in Nashville for the 1st time this summer to visit a friend while heading to Pigeon Forge and what an incredible city it is. We only drove around downtown and didn't stay only but 1 short day because there were tornado warnings out. Did you make it to the mall that was close to the Opry Land hotel? That mall was AWESOME!!!
Well thanks so much for always commenting on my blog!!! and Thanks so much for the award :)
I tried to comment, lets see if this works..
Your Welcome Jes!!!
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