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Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 6: Nashville

Saturday was another relaxing day, and we did some last minute driving around and shopping. We went to another shopping center out by Green Hills Mall and just looked around for about an hour. I did buy a cute little gift for my best friend in Mississippi that is watching Lil Aiden this week while I have been gone. I’ve really appreciated her watching him so that I wouldn’t have to leave him in a kennel.

We then went back to the Opry Mills Mall to look around a little more and to go to the Movies. We went and saw Julie and Julia; I absolutely loved the movie, but wondered what Julia Child really though about Julie’s blog. Hmm.. Guess I’ll never know. Long but wonderful movie.

After the movie, we went back to our resort to pack up he vehicle and settle in for the last night in Nashville.

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Credits: Ellie,