After my GREAT morning at the tile place and I mean GREAT, I went to my step-brother and sister-n-law's house for dinner. Before dinner, we were playing outside and little Aiden got really nasty since it had rained earlier that day.. So we decided to wash him off..
Now.. He looks like a little rat..
Also... Here is a little video of Colton playing the drums to his favorite song...
Sorry that it is turned on it's side.. (Don't strain too much)
And for the terrible singing....
After dinner, we all decided to go for a walk while my step-brother cleaned the kitchen. Honestly, I'd rather have cleaned the kitchen, because it was miserably HOTT outside. On our walk some of the neighborhood boys were riding their bikes, and Colton decided that he wanted to ride his.
I had totally forgot that I bought him a bike for Christmas last year, but he couldn't reach the petals.. Why I bought him a bike when he was only a year and nine months old is beyond me. Probably because he was the first nephew/grandchild in the family and we've all had to learn to buy age appropriate gifts.
So we went back to the house to get his bike out of the attic; he was so excited to get his bike down.
Sitting on his bike trying to figure everything out...
Smiling before Take Off
Rode to the end of the sidewalk and decided to water the flowers with the water that Colton was drinking... Yucky
During all this excitement.. Caden getting some ZZZZ's
Because he was having a hard time still reaching the petals.. Brad decided to put a block of wood on them so Colton could reach the petals...
Down the driveway he rides...
And he still is going...
Very Tired Little boy after a new adventure outside...
Hope your having a great weekend!

Such a cute lil video...Brayden loves that song too =) What a great idea to add the little piece of wood to make it easier. It's so great that he is already pedaling too. =)
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