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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Letter to a Younger YOU:

When I read about the "In My Daughters Eyes" Project by Janae at Pink Moss, I immediately knew I wanted to participate, but I was scared and leery of what I would even say to myself. For me it was an emotional journey, but I found pieces of myself that I had forgotten all about.  It was a journey worth taking.  The project involved 100 letters written to the 12 year old version of yourself about what true beauty means, what happiness means, and words of advice along the way.


I hope that you will stop by "In My Daughter's Eyes" and maybe even you will decide to participate.  Here is my letter to myself...


You may wonder what this letter is all about, but I'm writing you from the future.  I am 20 years old now.  I understand that being a little girl is not easy, but you are so blessed despite everything else that has went on in the 12 short years of your life.  I won't pretend that I have all the answers for you because here I am, only 9 years older than you are now. But I can give you a few hints about what's ahead, and things to remember along your journey.

I want to tell you not to be in such as rush.  Not to rush into adult responsibilities so fast, and to linger more on the way.  Life may be long, but living goes by fast. 

In your teenage years, a relationship will distract you and will blind you to what’s really in front of you.  And what’s really in front of you? Is YOU.  You don’t know yourself yet, but you think you do.  You think you know and you want to assert that you do, now that you’re a certain age, but you don’t.  What’s in front of you is a whole world of experiences beyond your imagination.  Put yourself, and your growth development first.  One relationship will cause long term repercussions.  Everything you do, every thought you have, every word you say creates a memory that you will hold forever.  It’s imprinted on you and affects you in subtle ways – ways you are not aware of yet.  With that in mind, guard your heart more carefully.  You’ve had your share of heartbreak, but remember it has made you into who you are today.

People love you for who you are.  I know you are going to waste so much time trying to change yourself and wishing you were different.  Don’t waste your time satisfying those who don’t care like they should.  In the end, you will learn that it is all those things people most love about you. 

You are going to make lots of friends growing up. Some will change your life, some are going to teach you life lessons and others will be true friends who stick with you through it all.  Whatever types of friends they are, you are going to have a great time with non stop laughing.

I want you to believe in yourself.  Never forget that you can do anything as long as you believe.  You will amaze yourself with the walk with God you have early in life, but your relationship with God will falter at times.  Never give up though, you know that he always has your side.  You will be scared at times, but you are not alone.  God is holding your hand along the way.  

Trust your instincts.  You have a strong intuition and you need to listen.  It will guide you down the right paths, but if you don’t listen.. It’s Okay.  You will learn from those mistakes and continue on.
Always have fun.  You will do some funny and crazy things, but know that as you get older you will only do more.  

There are going to be rough times in your life.  Times when things are not going as you planned or even hoped.  You are going to be betrayed by friends, and hurt by people you love.  I am not going to warn you about any of them because you get through them all.  You are stronger than you think and these events never take away your spark for life.  I promise you the good times will out weigh the bad.

More Importantly, I want to tell you that I love you.  I love you because you make me who I am as a woman today. I love you because there will be times when you don't love yourself and it will be okay, because you will get through that. Never stop being who you are.  Now I can only take this advice I would have given you and apply it to my life today, because I have a whole lot left of living to do.  I will love openly and wholeheartedly, but will be more careful, I will pay attention to the new things I am learning, I will make plans to travel to places I have never been, I will cherish my friends because they teach me lessons daily, and I will enjoy LIVING whole hearted.

These are things in your life that make you, YOU.  
So remain true to yourself, and don't apologize for being who you are.  

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Credits: Ellie,