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Friday, March 5, 2010

Tag.. Your It

I've been tagged by Tyler @ "Just Another Day In Paradise" to play the 10 year game.

- Post where you want to be in 10 years.
- Pass it on to 10 of your bloggy friends.

Wow, 10 years that's awhile from now Right? However, it seems like yesterday that I walked across the football field with my High School Graduating class to receive my diploma so I know time will fly.Currently when I think 10 years ahead, I see myself either owning my own business or still working my way up the corporate ladder since I will have 10 years of experience. I would love to be living in Nashville, TN in a home that I designed. Hopefully, I will have found that special someone by then, and if not God has his own timing for that. If perhaps that special someone is in my life, I will hopefully be married, and may have children. The possibilities are endless.

It's so hard for me to look 10 years ahead right now, because I don't even know where I will be in 5 months. I could be moving back home, to Nashville, or to some city I haven't even considered. I feel like the next 5 months will determine where I am at in the next 10 years. I may fall in love with another city and be somewhere no one ever expected. The what ifs of the next 5 months are ENDLESS.

1.) Liz @ "Harmony Song"
2.) Christa @ "According to Christa"
3.) Jessica @ "Kitchen Belleicious"
4.) Heather @ "Musings on the Move"
5.) Sandy @ "Pardon My Dust"
6.) Abigail @ "Rear Window"
10.) Jessica @ "Footballs and Flowers"

Get Busy Tagging!

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Credits: Ellie,