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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Around Your Town Tuesday!

Take out your cameras and put your walking shoes on!
Courtney @ One Mom's Perfect Imperfection and I are thrilled to introduce to you our very own 
blog hop, 

Around Your Town Tuesday!

In honor of our readers and the arrival of spring, we would love to see where you live, learn about your town and experience it all through your eyes and your words.  This is a great opportunity for all of us to step away from the computer and get into our communities as well as to connect with other bloggers by undergoing a journey through one anothers' towns without ever leaving our own. Think of it - a glimpse back into history, inspiration to try something new, or just plain fun! Our hope is that you will enjoy it and learn something about one another.  

Enough of the rambing.. Here are the details..

Since this blog hop will require a little footwork (hence, the need for your walking shoes) Courtney and I are implementing this blog hop biweekly.  This will give us all TWO full weeks to get into our towns and prepare posts.  We can change this in the future if this proves to be a success and not too difficult for a weekly blog hop.  For each post, we will give you a subject to compose your post around (i.e. best food in town, farmer's markets, bakeries, ect.)

There are a few guidelines, however.  This post must be authentic and personal.  We don't really want to read what Wikipedia  says about your town.  We want to know what YOU think and feel about your town.  And again, this is about stepping out into our communities and experiencing  something and helping others experience it with us.  Googling it won't really have the same effect either.  But Google and Wikipedia can help you out a little with the facts about your town and its history should you need it.  Just don't make this a book report.  It is understandable  that you can't always get out and take recent pictures.  After all, we all have lives outside of this blogging world.  Therefore, past pictures may be used in your post as long as they are, in fact, your pictures.  

The first official day of the blog hop will be Tuesday, April 6th, 2010.  We're going to keep the subject matter simple and general for out first post.  Therefore, our first post will be Town Introductions.  Where do you live? What is your town known for? When was your town established? Maybe include a picture of your own town square, city hall, the town's sign, etc.  Your post can be as long or as short as you choose.  MckLinky will be up and going at 5:00 AM CST on post day and will shut down at midnight.  Please post the Around the Town Tuesday's badge somewhere in your post which can be found on my sidebar or on the Blog Hop page (link in the Menubar) linking back to Exposing the Drapes to My 20's.

For future reference, I will have a schedule posted on my sidebar as well as on the Blog Hop page with dates for each blog hop post as well as the subject matter for the stated date.  This schedule will be updated regularly.  We hope this will help those of you who like to prepare in advance.  Please email me with any questions, and please get excited about this because Courtney and I are thrilled about the birth of this blog hop! It's unique, educational in it's own way and should be loads of fun!

So Join us Every Other Tuesday, Won't You?
(Schedule Below)

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harmonysong said...

ooo! Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

love this idea! cant wait to participate :)

Heather said...

This sounds fun! I may need to be reminded, but I'm there, err, here. Wherever I need to be!

Jessica said...

I like the idea! Following and will be here Tuesday =]

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Credits: Ellie,