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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


As you all know, I've been staying quite busy lately, and I'm enjoying studio to the best of my ability. This quarter has been quite different than others when a change of events occured with professors, and I got stuck with the one that there were terrible reports about. Well from my recollection, the terrible reports are true. As a class, we have been to the Chair of Interior Design, and then she sent us on the Dean of Building Arts. The Chair of our Department did as much as she could do for us while supporting us all along the way. The Dean.. well I'd rather not discuss my actual thoughts about him, because it's not very nice. Our meeting with him was a waste of time, and the rumors I heard about him were very factual themselves. So needless to say... It's been an eventful few weeks. Only to have 4 weeks remaining.
However, due to the events I MUST LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.

On another note, I have a total of 24 weeks left of class. (Totaling to 4 weeks left in this quarter and 2 more quarters.) On one hand this is so exciting, but on the other hand I have mixed emotions. I'm sure some of you out there can relate, but I never dreamed that I would be finishing college in record time. (according to me) Graduating at 21... with a Bachelors.. a 4 yr degree in 3 years.. It's well deserved, but at the same time I have mix emotions.


Another concern that bothers me with this economy, is "Getting a Job." I've heard all the news reports that the economy is on it's way up, but I'm not yet convinced. All I can do is prepare my resume, and portfolio, and say a PRAYER. Praying is just what I'll do! Will you pray with me?

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