Your looking at a "Fabulous Blog."

I wanted to thank Christie over at "Just the 2 of Us". I am so excited since this is my first blog award. Maybe I'll just print it out and frame it.. (Don't laugh too hard) Thanks Christie for following me and most of all always leaving sweet comments. I've come to enjoy reading your blog, and seeing what little Brayden is up too. Appreciate it ALOT.
This is such a GREAT Award but it does have certain rules to go along with it:
1.) List 5 Current Obsessions
2.) Pass the Award on to 5 Fabulous Blogs
I guess I'll start off with my list of 5 current obsessions..... Hmm.. This could get interesting..
1.)Reality TV - I love shows like Big Brother, There Goes the Neighborhood, Jon and Kate Plus 8, HGTV Design Star. Oh and Probably Many More
2.) Lite Cool Whip - Since I'm trying to cut back and loose a few lbs. I've been eating lite coolwhip instead of Ice Cream.. It's quite a good substitute if it's frozen. Yummy!
3.) PJs' - I've been spending quite a bit of time in them lately due to my final due in exactly 11 days! Can I scream yet? Oh Goodness..
4.) New Recipes - I've tried so many new but quick and good recipes lately... Too bad I don't have time to post them all... I'll get around to it eventually.
5.) Reading Amazing Blogs - Thanks to all my followers!
Now for the other part.... 5 FABULOUS BLOGS.... This could be a tough one..
1.) Krista @ "According to Christa" - She is a Senior at Texas A&M University and majoring in Early Childhood Education. I enjoy reading her blog because she is very close to my age, she blogs about everyday life, and her quest to decorate her apartment.
2.) Amy @ "Filled with Praise" - I enjoy her blog so much because it is so uplifting, and she is truly a woman of extraordinary faith. She and her family are currently trying to adopt from Ethiopia, and are raising money. GREAT Blog.
3.) Katrina @ "The Sevin Family" - She blogs about children's crafts, decorating ideas, and her children. Like this blog alot.
4.) "All Things 3" - Blogs about her children, and weekly adventures.
5.) Jenna @ "The Jackson 5" - Her blog is about her children, everyday life, her fashion finds (which I think are great), and recipes.
This was a really hard list to narrow down; but I love each of these blogs. I look forward to their post each week too. Once Again, Thanks Christie for nominating me. If you wouldn't have nominated me you would be on the Top of this Top 5 Fabulous Blogs.
Make sure to check out these other blogs that I've mentioned and don't forget Christie's blog - "Just the 2 of Us".
P.S. This is my Monday Blog.. I have too much to do this week.. But you should look at this as an extra because you got not only 5 Favorite Obsessions but 5 Favorite Blogs.
Hope you have a GREAT Week!

Thanks Jes! And once again I learned we have even more in common. =)
(P.S. love the idea of printing and framing=))
Thank you SO much for nominating me!! This is my first ever blog award!! I feel honored!!
By the way your projects on your previous posts look great! :)
Thanks Jes!! You should totally do "Not Me Monday"...this week I'm gonna have to write down all my "not me's" cause it's kinda hard to remember..Congrats on the Fabulous blog award!!!! You do have a fab blog!!
I love me some cool whip too! Yum! I also love PJ's. When I get home from work, here come the PJ's. Cute blog!
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