Hmm.. I've thought long and hard about this.... I mean what could possible be my 5 most favorite things for the week, whether I have them or I don't....

Trust me.. I can totally explain why.. I know you are thinking why would an Interior Design student love school supplies.. Well.. I just do! I've always had a passion for Interior Design; however, honestly it's a dream to be pursing my passion. If I wasn't pursing Interior Design.. I would most likely be going to school for an Elementary Education Degree. Perhaps, that's where the love/obsession comes for school supplies. Plus, I use to teach Sunday School to 4 & 5 yr. olds, and I taught Music to 3 thru 7 yr. olds. I've always felt that there is nothing like new crayons, color pencils, and ALL art supplies for that matter. They are one of my favorites for the week, because I absolutely LOVE them.
P.S. I bought some this week due to it being the tax-free weekend in GA. Ugh-Oh!

Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book
Yes, a cookbook! I love to cook, but I will say baking is not my specialty. I've run across this book several times, and still haven't bought it! I've glanced through it several times, and I want to try some of the recipes. I guess I'm waiting for it to be on SALE or something. (Since I'm such a bargain shopper! - Most of the Time)

Traditional Home Magazine
This is one of my favorite magazines. I feel that it has a mix of traditional and modern design. I'm currently awaiting my renewed GIFT subscription that should be here any day now! YAH!

I feel that fresh fruit is something that I LOVE in the summer time. I catch myself eating quite a bit of fruit in the summer time, but I remind myself that it is very healthy.

Fresh flowers are something that always brightens my day even if I'm buying them for myself, which I do often. Being a Single Gal and All.. My flower arrangements will most likely never look like a professional arranged them, but I always love the way they look and make me feel.
So GALS... Go buy some fresh flowers this week and see how they make you feel..
Have a Marvelous Monday and a Great Week!

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